What causes the check tire pressure light warning to keep showing on a Chevy Impala?

2017-11-14 10:34 am
The light sensor comes on and the dash says to "Check left front tire pressure" then it blinks and says "Check left rear tire pressure".

I checked it and the tire pressure is fine. The darn sensor won't quit flashing.

回答 (4)

2017-11-14 11:25 am
Check ALL the tires. The tire jockeys often forget to reset the TPMS sensors after a rotation and it could easily be the right rear, left rear or right front that is actually low.
2017-11-15 5:36 am
My Chevy van had a nuisance problem with the TPMS. It worked fine for about 2 years, then reported tire pressure problems on the front tires. Now, for the past 2 years, no problems. You can try re-calibrating them. I was told that high humidity in the tire can cause nuisance reports of tire pressure problems. Makes sense to me.
2017-11-15 1:53 am
The sensor is bad.
2017-11-14 8:21 pm
Those tire sensors have a battery in each one of them. When the battery fails this is what you get.
Put black electrical tape over the light and just check your tires once a month like people used to do. I wouldn't spend the $400 to replace all the sensors just to have a car tell me my tires need air!!
參考: Mitsubishi Master Tech

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