If you as your older self could go back in time and talk you as your younger self, would you listen to your own advice?

2017-11-13 10:18 am
I'm having a random thought....and wanted to put it out there.

回答 (5)

2017-11-13 10:46 am
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I would like to say yes. But the answer depends on how far back I went. If it was to my early teens. I would say no. I would not listen. Cause like every teenager that ever lived. I THOUGHT I knew it all. If it went back to to my late teens I would. Because by then I finally figured out that there is always someone smarter or has more wisdom than me. No matter how smart I THINK I am.

You're never too old to learn or too old to get advice. I wish I knew that when I was in my early teens.
2017-11-13 10:19 am
I sure hope so.
2017-11-13 1:49 pm
no I wouldn't have listened i was stubborn back then
2017-11-13 10:50 am
I doubt it. You couldn't tell me much back then.
2017-11-13 10:24 am
Random, but not original at all.

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