why isn't private school illegal?

2017-11-13 5:34 am
its not fair that bill gates sends his kids to private school where they learn to code at the age of 6.

I myself attended a ghetto school in inner city Detroit. there weren't any computers at our school.

the world needs to become fair.

I suggest making private school illegal.

only government control unionized school should be in control of education in this country, what do you guys think?

回答 (13)

2017-11-13 5:58 am
2017-11-13 5:55 am
What's really not fair is that the US blows huge amounts of money on military hardware and an enormous prison-industrial complex, but can't run decent public schools.
2017-11-13 5:37 am
Horrible idea. Socialism just makes everyone's lives terrible.
2017-11-13 6:16 am
In the US, you are entitled to nothing, and nothing is fair. That's what "freedom" means. I used to think everyone was entitled only one thing; only one thing could be considered fair for everyone. That is, Equal Justice Under Law. The Clintons have proved to me that not even that is correct, and that the phrase should be scraped from the frieze above the Supreme Court building in Washington D.C..

You have entered a conversation about religion and politics that has been going on for 6000 years and you think you have an answer? Fine, we'll let you join the conversation if you play nicely. You are entitled to nothing and nothing is fair. Now, ask another question and we'll answer it. Try not to be idiotic.
2017-11-13 5:39 am
Public Schools in some places would get worse
2017-11-13 5:52 am
The world needs to become fair? What fairy tale universe do you imagine that's going to happen in?
2017-11-13 5:37 am
Public schools should be illegal.
參考: Rush and Hannity
2017-11-13 8:19 am
I went to public school. I wasn't taught to think.
2017-11-13 5:47 am
Poor poopy. Afraid of private schools? Freedom is a good thing. You go ahead, be jealous and someday when you get out of it, we will be here for you. Okay?
參考: bisexual Christian
2017-11-14 9:01 am
How stupid can people get!?

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