What does it mean if your ex friend viewed your Snapchat story?

2017-11-13 1:37 am
Before one of my Snapchat stories expired, I noticed my ex best friend viewed them. This is the first time she viewed them in the 9 months our friendship ended. I was thinking maybe it was an accident since she only viewed one. But why would she be so careless now after being so careful not to look at my stories all this time? What does this usually mean? I know it’s weird that we never deleted each other off social media but I didn’t want to seem dramatic by doing so. Any opinions or thoughts?

回答 (3)

2017-11-13 1:41 am
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Possible Reasons

1) Maybe she wanted to see which stories might have been about her. Maybe she wondered if you ever ranted about a certain friendship ending that gives the clue it was the friendship to her.

2) Maybe she simply was just curious and nothing more. Sometimes when I'm not friends with people anymore or no longer associate, sometimes I do secretively drop by just to be nosey on their social accounts, but that doesn't mean I want them back. Maybe I was just bored.

3) She knows that you know she's viewed them, and maybe that's her way of wanting you to take the step to approach her, because of her pride, she won't talk to you first. She wants you to do it. Maybe she misses you but doesn't have the guts to speak up.

I think it's too early to really anticipate anything or jump to conclusions. If she's doing this more than once or two to three times, then you definitely have her attention for some reason.
2017-11-13 2:20 am
2017-11-13 1:40 am
She's being nosy.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:54:46
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