What happened to my life?

2017-11-12 6:28 am
I am 20 years old and already feel like I've wasted my life and it's going to be wasted. My plan was to join the army and either do 20 years and retire, or join law enforcement after however long I felt like serving. But due to medical reasons I got denied. I tried going to college for a year but school was never for me. I now work at a body shop as a detailer. The only hope I have of a career is moving up to a painters helper. Im really not good at anything that can I can make a career out of. I tired researching joining the police or immigration but they polygraph for drugs and I have used alot, thats why I was going to use the military as a door opener. I dont know what to do with my life and I dont want to spend the rest of it worrying. Any advice for someone whose felt like this?

回答 (5)

2017-11-12 8:05 am
"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans", John W. Lennon

When your personal pity party is over, realize that your life is just beginning if you will only choose to live it and let it happen.
2017-11-12 7:08 am
don't worry. you'll be alright now. keep going, that's life. you'll find your way, eventually. try talking to your family and friends or counselor, for advice. try studying something you like and find hobbies. for me, I like amusement parks and reading. keep the same rhythm going, even if you have to slow it down, but you must not block; use whatever works for you and do some homework for yourself, and you will see the gates wide open for you.
2017-11-12 6:42 am
Stop with the drugs & try to get into a trade career the will serve you better.. If you can auto detail, you can work & that is valuable when combined with knowledge..
2017-11-12 6:30 am
You have PLENTY of time to figure out what you want to do. You do realize you did not have TOTAL control of your life until you were 18? So you have had 2 years to decide what to do...most people still do not know what they want after 40 years...enjoy your youth and keep searching.
2017-11-12 6:30 am
Focus on tomorrow not what you should have done

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