What is wrong with me?

2017-11-11 10:16 pm
Some days ago I was so happy, felt like I could do anything, had so much more confidence and literally talked all the time to everyone. Felt creative, inspired, made new things, got alot done, didnt need to sleep or eat as much. I was up all night two days in a row, other than head aches I felt great, listened to music with higher volume, wore really nice bright coloured clothes. Felt so freaking good for no reason, now I have zero energy, feel like ending it all and just feel sad and shameful for all things I have ever done? What is wrong with me, why do I also make so many dumb choices, i find myself apologizing after getting mad at people and fighting (not physical) and then I dont remember small details and other times I dont even remember why I was mad. I was just mad in general and someone ticked me off is how I feel like, therefore I have no friends

回答 (4)

2017-11-11 11:22 pm
like honestly there is such thing as bipolar where you go manic then depressed, you could look it up and see if it fits you, idk maybe you should talk to a professional
2017-11-12 7:42 am
could be bipolar disorder, mood swings. Ask your doctor to look into this matter, you should. Your doctor should have a better understanding of illness and disease then I do.
2017-11-11 11:23 pm
You may just be experiencing normal mood swings that occur during puberty or you could have a medical condition.

Only a doctor can diagnose and treat the condition.

Go tell your GP about these mood swings so they can refer you to a psychiatrist for testing.
2017-11-11 10:20 pm
stop taking drugs … they will end up killing you.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:57:59
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