Molarity help?

2017-11-11 12:36 am
What volume of 1.00 M HClO4 is needed to prepare 1.00 L of 0.0500 M HClO4?

回答 (1)

2017-11-11 1:43 am
The number of moles of HClO₄ is unchanged in dilution.
Hence, C₁V₁ = C₂V₂
(1.00 M) × V₁ = (0.0500 M) × (1000 mL)
Volume of 1.00 M HClO₄ needed, V₁ = 0.05 × 1000 / 1.00 mL = 50 mL

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 17:56:24
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