Will I get made fun of?

2017-11-11 12:34 am
I like these shoes but they are lemon chiffon which is a yellowish color which I like. I’m 13 I’m a boy https://www.amazon.com/Nike-Mens-Sock-Dart-Running/dp/B00Y2PXBO6

回答 (6)

2017-11-11 5:02 am
I'm not 13 but most likely yes.
2017-11-11 12:39 am
They are REALLY ugly shoes
in ANY colour
2017-11-14 10:30 pm
13 year old Gay boys usually do.
2017-11-11 2:00 am
Please hold onto your money and don't be tempted to buy those hideous creations. I could imagine an evil person being damned to wear these as punishment for all eternity!
2017-11-11 1:22 am
Yes, you'll get made fun of because they're hideous.
2017-11-11 12:36 am

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