Chemistry ASAP?

2017-11-10 12:58 pm
Calculate the maximum wavelength of light capable of removing an electron for a hydrogen atom from the energy state characterized by the following.
n = 2
n = 6

回答 (1)

2017-11-10 6:11 pm
When an electron is removed from an atom, the electron is transit to n = ∞.
According to Rydberg equation : 1/λ = R[(1/n²) - (1/∞²)
Hence, λ = n²/R, where
λ is the maximum wavelength of the light absorbed; and
R is Rydberg constant (1.097 × 10⁷ /m = 1.097 × 10⁻² /nm)
n is the energy state of the electron to be removed

When n = 2 :
Maximum wavelength of light absorbed, λ = 2² / (1.097 × 10⁻² nm) = 364.6 nm

When n = 6 :
Maximum wavelength of light absorbed, λ = 6² / (1.097 × 10⁻² nm) = 3282 nm

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 17:56:01
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