how do you teach a dog to share?

2017-11-10 5:18 am
some times when i go to the bathroom and come back to my sleep spot, my dog will take the spot and she would growl at me if i try to get it back or try to her as a pillow.

also when i am in my spot sleeping, she would lay on top of me then try to shove me off the bed then take my spot.

how can i teach my dog to learn to share the bed and its not only her bed?

sometimes i sleep on the floor because of this issue because i dont want to make her mad.

she is a 4 yr old pitbull and the sweetest dog i ever owned

回答 (8)

2017-11-10 5:26 am
If this is for real then you have totally the wrong relationship with your dog and the bed issue is only part of it.

Get the dog OFF of the bed and don't allow her to get on it.

Google NILIF and do some work with this. She is NOT the sweetest dog you ever owned when she has claimed the bed as her own meaning that you don't figure in her life as her superior.
2017-11-10 6:12 am
Your dog thinks it is the boss.
This is dangerous, particularly in a large breed.
You need to use training to correct this so your dog knows you are the pack leader and in charge.
2017-11-10 8:29 am
If this is a true story and not a troll, you cannot teach a dog to share. You have to be the dominant one, not the dog. In the present situation, the dog is dominating you. When the dog is in your spot, tell her to move. If she growls, take her by the collar and make her get off the bed. If she snaps or tries to bite, you need to contact a professional trainer. You cannot let dogs, especially larger dogs, be dominant.
2017-11-10 7:57 am
If my dog was behaving like this, I would have booted off the bed in a NY second. My dog are allowed on my bed and when I tell them to move, they move or off they go.
2017-11-10 5:41 am
She is training you quite well. Needs to be the other way around though.

One of my dogs likes my bed when I am not in it but when I go to bed, she goes to her rug. I can't sleep if I run into any resistance at night. I am okay with her using my bed but not when I am sleeping.
2017-11-11 12:20 am
Then don't allow this behavior, correct it immediately each time it occurs, training is your responsibility, not the dogs. It's obvious she has already trained you to sleep on the floor.......She shouldn't be on the bed or in the bedroom at all unless you set the rules.

Put bull is two words by the way, no dog that behaves in this manner is far from being "the sweetest dog i ever owned" Do nothing it may only get worse, and result in serious injury to you.
2017-11-10 7:37 pm
Your dog needs to learn who is in charge BUT before you force this backing off, use PREVENTION, and trading usually works best with some dogs. Once you allow a dog half an inch, it will take a mile. They are opportunists. Don't let this escalate into a full on battle however, or eventually she may well bite - sweet or not.

Resource guarding has to be sorted out. As amicably as possible.
2017-11-10 5:37 am
You should not share a bed with your dog, you sleep in the bed, your dog sleeps in her own dog bed, preferably not in your bedroom.

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