How can I travel to canada??

2017-11-09 10:41 am
I have a criminal background and am currently on pti/probation in nj. Was looking to go to canada for a vacation but was worried about being denied entry. Is there anything i can do to ensure i get in withouut any issues???

回答 (9)

2017-11-09 12:21 pm
You won't be going to Canada.
2017-11-09 11:23 am
If you have a probation you are not going to be let in.
2017-11-09 11:13 am
No, there isn't anything you can do. Your probation officer isn't going to let you go to Canada.
2017-11-09 10:44 am
You'd better ask your probation officer before you do anything else. It's possible that you may not be allowed to leave the state, much less the country.
2017-11-09 4:23 pm
At first Collect Canadian visa and go to travel to Canada ...
2017-11-09 2:33 pm
contact US State Department and Canadian immigration authorities about your travel rights between the two countries and passport rules.
2017-11-09 1:06 pm
No, there is nothing you can do. You will be denied entry. I guess you should have thought about travel BEFORE you decided to commit a crime and become a criminal.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2017-11-09 11:16 am
You can't even get into Canada if you have ever had a DUI . A criminal record blocks you from entry.
2017-11-09 10:45 am
You need to contact a consulate or embassy of Canada. In general, Canada denies entry to those with a criminal background, but sometimes you can work out a deal.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:47:55
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