What is the longest that you have not driven a car, and then drove again?

2017-11-09 1:44 am
I haven't driven a car in 9 years, and I started to drive again 5 days ago. I am more cautious, and drive the exact speed limit. Before I used to drive in the fast lane, and I get so many speeding tickets. It's a little nerve racking to drive again, but I am more aware of my surroundings now and also more mature.

回答 (6)

2017-11-12 7:19 am
Three years. I had an Accident and my Dad didn't allow me to drive.
2017-11-12 1:59 am
5 weeks because I had surgery on my left hand. Probably the longest I've ever not driven since I was 12 years old. What can I say I love to drive!
2017-11-09 5:46 am
I couldn't drive for 11 months while my right foot was in a cast. Had no problem driving once it came off.
2017-11-09 5:45 am
A few weeks.
2017-11-09 1:48 am
2 years when I served in the military overseas. Of course I was driving a tank.
2017-11-09 1:45 am

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