Radiator hose blew off, now car won t run at low rpm and ticks.?

2017-11-08 10:09 am
I was driving to work and at some point the radiator hose blew off the radiator, opening the cooling system. The car was running fine till I came to a traffic light and found the engine would start dying at idle. I figured it was a carburetor issue and got it down the road to work. when I parked I lifted the hood and saw the radiator hose was off. I refilled the radiator and put the hose back on, and it seemed fine. After the choke turned off and the idle dropped below 1000, it started to keep dying and there is a ticking noise coming from it now. What does this sound like?

I'm not really looking for a definite answer, just some ideas of where to start. It doesn't seem like a blown head gasket since there is no sign of coolant being where it shouldn't.


I guess it would also be helpful to know it's and Olds 350 with an iron block and heads

回答 (6)

2017-11-08 12:13 pm
You can have this definitive answer. You overheated the engine and destroyed it. That is why the put temperature gauges or idiot lights on vehicles.
2017-11-08 11:28 am
you've cooked the engine
2017-11-08 10:19 am
Check idle speed and air/fuel mixturesetting. Check the oil level. Ticking noise could be from many issues. Pray that the cars does not have a blown head gasket. See a pro if the issues do not go away.
2017-11-08 10:12 am
It sounds like you blew off more than a hose.

Really, the only way to deal with something like that
is by having an expert to look at it in person.

(That's why those car repair shops are all over the place, ya know?)
2017-11-08 10:12 am
That ticking noise is the death null. It got too hot.
2017-11-08 1:21 pm
"I'm not really looking for a definite answer"

Tough **** sherlock. You roasted the engine.

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