Was Devin Patrick Kelley a member of ANITFA, ISIS or even worse and more extreme, a member of the Democratic National Party?

2017-11-06 11:09 pm

回答 (5)

2017-11-06 11:13 pm
Must have been the latter as there aren't many Atheist in the other groups.
2017-11-06 11:14 pm
He was a DNC terrorist... but then... isn't everyone associated with the democrap party a terrorist?
2017-11-06 11:15 pm
From his pic it looks like he liked his sister a little too much
2017-11-06 11:15 pm
What difference does it make?

Stop trying to plant seeds of chaos and strife in our country, Russian troll.

And FYI, Devin Patrick Kelley apparently went there trying to get his ex in-laws. He served time for abuse done against his spouse and his 11-month old baby. He was discharged from the Air Force for bad conduct.

He was an atheist and he disliked "religious people."
2017-11-06 11:11 pm
We don't know. I suspect he was a Republican and member of the NRA.

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