My guy friend keeps sending me "accidental" pics of his penis, how do I stop it without ending our friendship?

2017-11-06 9:18 pm
My guy friend, who we will call Richard. He knows that I am in a serious 10 year relationship with my fiance. He's friends with my fiance too, we have known Richard for about 5 years. Richard and I have always had a strictly plantonic friendship. He's my older girl friend's ex-boyfriend. Hes like 46, and I am 30. I am not attractive so I have no idea why he keeps sending me "accidental" penis pics every now and then. We dont flirt with each other, never have. And I have asked him to please stop sending them because if my fiance knew he was doing, he would come unglued and start accusing me of messing around with Richard. I dont want to lose my fiance, I love him very much. And Richard is like my best friend thats a guy, I dont want to have to end our friendship but I will if he wont stop sending me those what he calls "accidental" penis pics. I am not stupid, I know people's phones dont just accidentally send random contacts inappropriate pics. I am assuming these pics are meant to mean that hes offering sexual acts to me, but I am not interested at all. Why do u think he keeps randomly sending me these pics? I dont want them. I especially dont want my fiance finding out. I have asked him to stop and he did for awhile, but last night long behold what does he send me late at night. How do I get it through his head, that I dont want the pics? Hes going cause serious problems if my fiance finds out. Any advice is appreicated, thanks in advance.

回答 (16)

2017-11-06 10:23 pm
"Accidentally" forward the pics to all his friends.
2017-11-06 9:41 pm
Tell your fiance, or you are just as guilty (for hiding it).

Would you be ok with it if a girl was doing the same thing to your man?
2017-11-06 10:29 pm
You need to stand your ground and give out some tough love. Tell him that you will block his number if these pictures keep coming.
2017-11-06 9:33 pm
You asked him to stop and he didn't. That shows how little respect he has for you. He doesn't care about your feelings. You have to drop him and tell your fiance why. It's possible he could say something to your fiance so you have to get your explanation in first. And if your fiance goes mad at you that will show you how much trust and respect he (your fiance) has for you.
2017-11-06 9:21 pm
Best bet is to just cut off all contact with him. If he is on your facebook or other social media, block him-- maybe telling him why first. But then DO IT. If he is messaging you photos after that then message him back you will get a restraining order against him. He blew it, and you can no longer tolerate this behavior.
2017-11-07 1:53 pm
He is not your friend. Have your fiance deal with him or call the police.
2017-11-07 12:48 pm
block him on your phone. if his number is blocked, he cannot accidentally send
you any pix. If he asks you why, tell him you asked nicely and now you are making sure you never get another. If he wants to get hold of you, tell him to call
your bf and ask him to tell you.
Its better than having your bf break up with you over this jerk
2017-11-07 2:15 am
Tell your boyfriend and show him the pics. If he doesn't stop it for you, you need a new boyfriend. If it doesn't stop then, change your phone number... and block both of them. This is not accidental, maybe you should forward them to his parents, and tell him, oops! This is disrespectful to you as a lady.
2017-11-07 12:36 am
Accidental my foot. But if it continues I would have a talk with your fiancé. BUT, if your fiancé were to accuse you of cheating, then you may want to rethink marrying him. If he would accuse you BEFORE you get married, there's a chance he will do this after. This has to stop. It's sexual harassment and you could press charges if it continues. Obviously he doesn't seem to know what bounderies are.
2017-11-06 9:26 pm
Can you ask this question in the Yahoo Richard & Friends section?
But i'll keep you in ma prayers.
2017-11-06 9:23 pm
This is weird compulsive behavior. You need to tell your boyfriend to talk to Richard and get it to stop, or you will go to the police.
2017-11-06 9:21 pm
Block his phone number. If he can't control himself, you're going to have to get serious about making sure this never happens again. His loss.
2017-11-07 9:38 pm
Now I get it; Dick, Richard.
2017-11-06 10:07 pm
You are correct in saying that you can't just accidentally send penis pictures what you need to do is be frank with your friend tell him if he send you any more penis pictures you're going to have to block him
2017-11-06 9:42 pm
It is against Federal Anti Pornograhpy laws.

First, talk to you cell phone carrier.
Second , talk to the police

Be prepared to SHOW THE PICS To both
2017-11-06 9:23 pm
I’d have said he was a pedophile but he’s not a priest or vicar and you’re not a child so that can’t be right. As for the penis pics, if you have a problem with it tell him. Block his number as well.

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