Could I be pregnant?

2017-11-06 9:17 pm
I have missed my periods for the past 2 months and have taken 4 home pregnancy tests that all came out negative. I show no obvious signs of pregnancy such as weight gain, swollen boobs and the like. I'm freaking out

回答 (4)

2017-11-07 6:05 am
If you haven't had any sexual activity, then you shouldn't be pregnant, all your symptoms may be due to stress/ puberty.
2017-11-06 10:03 pm
Pregnancy sounds very unlikely. Still, if you are usually pretty regular and haven't had a period for a few months, it would be worth seeing your doctor. There can be other issues that can cause periods to stop.
2017-11-06 9:44 pm
Stress or anemia or other health problems can cause missing period but you wont know until you ask your doctor
2017-11-06 9:19 pm
Should do something else to occupy your time instead of worrying (school studying)

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