求幫忙修改租賃延長合約之內容 (中+英)?

2017-11-04 9:56 am

Landlord: XXXX
Tenant: YYYY

The property: property address

Both parties (Landlord and Tenant) hereby agree to extend the period of Tenancy Agreement (attached) for one year, to DD MMM 201X.

All the term and clause are same except the expiry date of the agreement.

This is not a new leasing agreement. Therefore, the landlord has the right to repossess the said Unit after the new expiry date (say, DD MMM 201X).

This agreement is prepared in Chinese and English, the Chinese version shall be followed.

The copies of the original Tenancy Agreement, as well as the Change of Landlord Declaration are also enclosed for reference.



還有標題應打什麼? Period Extension of Lease Agreement? 樓宇租賃期延長協議?

回答 (1)

2017-11-04 2:00 pm
the Chinese version shall be followed 之前好像漏了一句類似
“if there is any inconsistency or conflict between the two versions"
或 “in case of inconsistencies or conflicts between the Chinese and the English versions”的話。
下面一段話對agreement and contract,我覺得解釋的不錯
A contract is a legally binding agreement, either written or verbal, that lays out what services or goods are expected in return for some sort of compensation, whether it be monetary, or an in like service or good in exchange. An agreement is not necessarily legally binding, example, you might agree to paint someone’s fence...if you get a chance. There is no promise of exchange of services, goods, or compensation.
Terminate(termination) 終止,expire(expiration)到期,前者可能與合約等有關,但也用於任何事之終止(如墮胎、公車終點),後者則明顯與agreement或contract或某職位任期的或某種申明(如食品之到期日)等有關

標題 - lease renewal contract 或 lease renewal agreement 都被使用的很普遍

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