
2017-11-03 11:45 pm
One night, I slept particularly well, I made a wonderful dream, I dream of a fairy-tale world. There are mountains, water, forests, lakes, beautiful ...

Here I find that there is a huge tree, a small house in the tree, I climbed the tree, went into the house. There are all kinds of furniture, there are a variety of paintings on the wall. One of the most weird paintings, there is a strange little squirrel painting, its eyes seem to move. Suddenly, the little squirrel in the picture was alive. I immediately out of the hut. Back to the ground. "Do you want to go there?" Squirrel laughed. I panicked behind the big tree, watching it with caution, stammered: "You, who are you?" Squirrel replied gleefully: "Why, you just broke into my house and asked me Who is really a rude little girl, you listen well, I am here a cute little witch, Casey! "It came to me and said:" Why so afraid of me, I will not eat You, so we make a friend! I will show you a visit here!

Tintin ...... Which sent out the sound?

Oh! The original dream ah ~ ~ ~


回答 (3)

2017-11-04 1:19 am
One night, I slept particularly well, I made a wonderful dream, I dream of a fairy-tale world. There are mountains, water, forests, lakes, beautiful ...
有一晚 我睡得特別好 我做了一個很棒的夢 我夢到了一個童話世界 那裡有山 有水 有森林 有湖 太美了

Here I find that there is a huge tree, a small house in the tree, I climbed the tree, went into the house. There are all kinds of furniture, there are a variety of paintings on the wall. 在這裡我發現一棵巨大的樹 樹上有一個小屋 牆上有各式各樣的畫 One of the most weird paintings, there is a strange little squirrel painting, its eyes seem to move. Suddenly, the little squirrel in the picture was alive. 其中一幅最奇怪的畫 有一幅奇怪的小松鼠畫 它的眼睛似乎會動 突然間 那幅畫中的小松鼠有了生命I immediately out of the hut. Back to the ground. "Do you want to go there?" Squirrel laughed. I panicked behind the big tree, watching it with caution, stammered: "You, who are you?" 我馬上離開小屋 回到地上 "你想去那理嗎?"松鼠笑了 我驚慌地在大樹後方小心地看著牠 結結巴巴地說 "你 你是誰?" Squirrel replied gleefully: "Why, you just broke into my house and asked me Who is really a rude little girl, you listen well, I am here a cute little witch, Casey! "It came to me and said:" Why so afraid of me, I will not eat You, so we make a friend! I will show you a visit here!
松鼠高興地回答 "為什麼 你剛剛闖入我家還問我 誰才是那個粗魯的小女孩 你聽好了 我是一個可愛的小巫女 凱西!" 牠走向我並說 "為什麼那麼怕我 我不會吃了你 所以我們當朋友吧! 我會為你導覽這裡"

Tintin ...... Which sent out the sound?
叮叮 是什麼東西發出了聲音?

Oh! The original dream ah ~ ~ ~
喔! 新奇的夢阿 ~ ~ ~

我寧願夢到我在飛 或是在某個機構裡走迷宮 也不想夢到我跟一隻松鼠講這些無聊的話
2017-11-04 3:38 pm
2017-11-03 11:50 pm

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