17220 VW model Truck?

2017-11-03 6:15 am
I took out my truck and after some distance covered i discovered that my front wheel was heating up which affected my tyre. This eventually led to brake failure. Please What could happened?

回答 (5)

2017-11-03 7:42 am
most likely the brakes were dragging possible a dud wheel bearing the thing must steer real well good on you for respecting other road users with your unmaintained shitheap.
2017-11-03 6:28 am
Brake shoe dragging.
2017-11-03 6:18 am
The brakes started it.

They needed attention they didn't get.
2017-11-03 6:16 am
Sounds like your brake was locked up and caused the problem
2017-11-03 6:56 am
brake fluid is hydrophylic it absorbed water and metal contamination flakes from repeated overheating then expanded in a closed system with a spongy low boiling point sludge.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:47:11
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