If you could go back in TIME..?

2017-11-02 1:54 am
If you could rewind time, what would you try and achieve or would like to do ?? Do you regret anything up until now that you wish you could fix or achieve as a personal goal?

回答 (5)

2017-11-02 1:56 am
Jerome, I cannot so I have no interest in doing it. I would change nothing, even given the opportunity.
2017-11-02 1:55 am
Doesn't matter. Not doable.
2017-11-02 1:55 am
I would go to 1939 in Poland and dress as a Jew.
2017-11-02 2:49 am
Not really. There isn't a lot of opportunities for someone in with my background so going back in time and getting a ton of qualifications wouldn't make a difference, I'd probably still be in the same situation that I'm in today.
2017-11-02 2:01 am
I would buy gold.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:46:30
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