(急)求英文翻譯?謝謝 1.I do see the differences. 2.Does that mean I will get lost in the sky? 3.What makes the view so special?

2017-11-01 11:20 pm

回答 (2)

2017-11-02 9:54 am
1. I do see the differences
我確實看出 差異/ 不同之處。

2.Does that mean I will get lost in the sky?
那是否 意味著 我將會在天空中迷失(方向)?

3.What makes the view so special?
1. 是什麼 使到這景觀 如此特式?

2. 如此特式的景觀 是什麼形成的?
2017-11-02 9:25 am
1.I do see the differences.
2.Does that mean I will get lost in the sky?
Get lost in the sky ,有時的意義只是走到戶外放鬆自己的方法之一,如下例句…
Another thing I do is I will go outside late at night when no one is out sit and just get lost in the sky…
在缺乏前句下,這樣的問句像是 – 這是否意為我會迷失自己(走錯方向)?
3.What makes the view so special?

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