A 100 g sample of each of the following metals is heated from 35°C to 45°C. Which metal absorbs the lowest amount of heat energy?

2017-10-31 11:55 pm
Metal Specific Heat

copper 0.385 J/(g · °C)
magnesium 1.02 J/(g · °C)
mercury 0.138 J/(g · °C)
silver 0.237 J/(g · °C)
lead 0.129 J/(g · °C)

A. mercury
B. silver
C. copper
D. lead
E. magnesium

回答 (1)

2017-11-01 12:05 am
Heat energy = m c ΔT
When m and ΔT are constant, Heat energy = Constant × c
Hence, Heat energy is directly proportional to the specific heat (c).
The lower the specific heat, the lower the amount of heat energy.

Since the specific heat of lead is the lowest, then lead absorbs the lowest amount of heat energy.

The answer: D. lead

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 18:00:44
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