How many moles of CO2 gas are produced?

2017-10-31 10:43 am
A student-made sample of sodium carbonate weighing 0.169g that generates 37.6 mL of CO2 gas when treated with sulfuric acid. The atmospheric pressure in the lab is 731.8 mm Hg and the temp. is 21.3-degree Celsius.

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2017-10-31 11:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
Consider the CO₂ formed in the reaction :
Pressure, P = 731.8/760 atm
Volume, V = 37.6 mL = 0.0376 L
Gas constant, R = 0.0821 atm L / (mol K)
Temperature, T = (273.2 + 21.3) K = 294.5 K

Gas law : PV = nRT
Then, n = PV/(RT)

No. of moles of CO₂ formed, n = (731.8/760) × 0.0376 / (0.0821 × 294.5) mol = 0.001497 mol

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 17:53:54
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