Why do the court say man shouldn’t hit women even in self defense?

2017-10-31 8:25 am
Do you think this is wrong I do it like giving a women a free ticket to assault man

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回答 (9)

2017-10-31 8:34 am
You have no source for that outrageous lie.
2017-10-31 8:44 am
"Why do the court say man shouldn't hit women even in self defense" - The court or you has awful grammar. It should read WHY DOES THE COURT SAY A MAN SHOULDN'T HIT A WOMAN EVEN IN SELF DEFENSE.

"Do you think this is wrong" - Yes, your grammar is awful.

" I do it like giving a women a free ticket to assault man" - Again, your grammar is awful. This should read
I do. It's like giving a woman a free ticket to assault a man.

Since you add a childish nonexistent "tag" to all of your posts and your poor grammar I'm guessing you are a child. Focus on school instead of making up nonsense because what you are stating it not a fact at all.
參考: another troll whose poor grammar just makes him look stupid
2017-10-31 8:44 am
Courts don't say that. Self defense laws are the same regardless of gender.
2017-10-31 11:38 am
What court says this?

At least in the United States, you're allowed to defend yourself, regardless of your gender or the gender of your attacker.
2017-10-31 10:49 am
What court?

I'm betting none.
2017-10-31 8:34 am
they don't, assault is assault in the court's eyes
2017-10-31 10:06 am
WHERE are you? In the US, the court DOES NOT distinguish between men and women for the purposes of assault OR self defense.
2017-10-31 9:07 am
IMO, anything that happens after the first punch is thrown is called SELF-DEFENSE. No matter WHAT SEX throws the first punch.
2017-10-31 8:27 am
The courts mostly say that no one should hit anyone except in self defense. The laws against assault are not gender-specific. It might make a difference in how severely the court deals with the assaulter, depending on how much bigger he is than the victim.

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