Name all of the alkene isomers, C6H12, that contain an unbranched chain and that have E/Z isomers.?

2017-10-30 11:57 am
I know it is only two isomers i'm just not sure what these isomers are. Is it like cyclohexene and 2-cyclohexene, or something else?

回答 (2)

2017-10-30 1:05 pm
Names for the isomers corresponding to the structures below :

Britain :
(Z)-hex-2-ene, (E)-hex-2-ene
(Z)-hex-3-ene, (E)-hex-3-ene

(Z)-2-hexene, (E)-2-hexene
(Z)-3-hexene, (E)-3-hexene
2017-10-30 12:19 pm
Sorta, but cyclohexene is C6H10 and there are no isomers. (There is no 2-cyclohexene, right?) There are 3 straight chain hexenes (Remember: UNBRANCHED?) 1-, 2- and 3-hexene. Only two can show cis/trans (E/Z) isomerization) Which ones?

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