what PACIFIC months do you run a dehumidifier in the basement?

2017-10-30 1:50 am

回答 (4)

2017-10-30 5:23 am
2017-10-30 1:57 am
Don't you mean SPECIFIC? It needs to be run during humid months, for example, here in Florida it would be during the summer, but I run mine 12 months out of the year.
2017-10-30 1:56 am
You can run a dehumidifier year round in a basement. Set it fo 45 to 50 percent and let it run
2017-10-30 6:35 am
The Pacific is an OCEAN.
You run a humidifier/dehumidifier YEAR ROUND. If it is set properly, it comes on when the humidity NEEDS changed.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:46:23
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