why do people disrespect vegans so much?

2017-10-29 7:56 pm
Online i try to raise awareness of veganism by posting animal pictures and the like. I don't completely shut up about it, because it is a strong belief of mine. But people online post about all kinds of things, and they are respected. I respect my friends/acquaintances views, when they post about things that i disagree with such as religion. I'd never wave ham in a muslim's face, or my satanic bible in that of a christian. yet on snapchat i get sent pictures of meat and dead pigs heads. I get people I barely know shouting "bacon" at me. My sister got ham forced down her throat by other kids till she was sick. Ive had peope throw bacon at me. Why? I get that people don't agree with veganism, but why does that mean that they feel the need to ridicule us and throw meat in our faces?

回答 (29)

2017-10-29 10:26 pm
I don't know why "people" disrespect vegans. But I know why I disrespect them.

Fiest, they lie.

They claim:
Veganism is our natural diet.
Meat is toxic.
Meat is murder.
We can get all nutrients from plants.
Veganism is a "cruelty free" diet.
Vegans don't get cancer.
You save the life of 100 animals a year.
Etc, etc, etc.

Those are all lies. How many of them have you repeated?

Second: vegans are hypocrites. They use animal products every day. The streets you walk on contain them, the tires on your car/bicycle, meds you take have been tested on animals, shoes you wear were mfg using equipment lubed by them, etc. One of the loudest vegans on this site admits that she eats birthday cake....knowing it's not vegan. How can you respect that?

Lastly, the vast majority of vegans have never looked a beef cow in the eyes....yet they arrogantly claim farmers/ranchers are not caring for them properly!

I'm not a child. I'd never throw meat at someone and seriously doubt your claims about meat being forced down your sister's throat. That's a physical assault and should be reported to the police.

There's no reason to physically attack a vegan. The only reason to be vegan is because you think it's wrong to kill and eat another animal (humans are animals, too). That's an opinion. I respect your right to that opinion.

But start making claims like those I've listed above and that respect goes away because they are lies.
2017-10-29 9:14 pm
Maybe I'm completely wrong. Even though you've given a fair bit of detail you don't tell us important things like how old you are, if and where you work or even where you live. Therefore, I feel I don't actually know much about you so, sorry if I'm completely wrong.

First, when you say "people" I wonder if you mean young kids? To be honest I don't really know what "Snapchat" is but so-called "social media" is a kind of fantasy world where some "people" feel safe about being rude and even threatening. They do things that, in other contexts, would be illegal. Even on a fairly mild site like this "people" lie, libel people, threaten, and make racist, sexist and homophobic remarks. I'm wondering if you're confusing the acts of children and people on social media with "the real world"? I find it hard to imagine, in the world I live in, a couple of ordinary fifty year olds assaulting a middle aged woman and forcing food of any kind down her throat or shouting the name of a food at another adult.

I really can't understand why you would want to post pictures of animals on the internet but if that's ALL you do then I see NOTHING wrong with it. It's the "and the like" that I wonder about. If you are implying that there is something "wrong" about anyone who is NOT vegan then you are, effectively, criticicing or even attacking 99.5% of the population and you are more or less bound to get the responses you describe if you're communicating with young kids protected by anonymity. If you cricise Justin Bieber on a Justin Bieber website you'll get hostile responses.

Ther are lots of things I feel strongly about but, usually, I just keep quiet about them and I certainly don't preach to others. Posting on a wbsite is making a LOT more fuss about it than saying the same things in front of a group of a few dozen people. I realized long ago that people are simply not interested in what I think.

In the world I live in, no one cares about another person's diet. If a sensible, informed person chooses to be vegetarian or vegan because THEY think it's the right thing to do then thay have my respect and it's fine by me.

The problems come when a vegan (or member of any other minority group) feels the need to "tell" other people that they are vegan or whatevee - no one cares. Also, anyone claiming to be vegan immediately associates themselves with some of the idiots who post on sites like this. People who make the same tired, ridiculous claims over and over again and demonstrate their ignorance and immaturity.

In response to another answer you have, I do not feel threatened by a tiny, tiny percentage of people who decide not to eat anything from an animal, veganism does not scare or offend me but some of the ignrance demonstrated by SOME vegans on sites like this does.

Added, I corrected some of the silly errors in my answer.

@Irish eyes, thank you for your comment - you're kind. I agree with your comment to Louis's answer. I didn't give his answer a thumbs down but you are right. Any anamosity towards Louis or other vegans is NOT because they are vegans but because of their attitude to the 99.5% of people who are not.

Addd: you have some contributions from a user called "Anna" who makes some of my points rather well. Read them and you'll begin to see why "vegans" aren't generally respected.
2017-10-29 9:01 pm
same goes for vegans hounding meat eaters...you reap what you sow
2017-10-29 8:09 pm
If we throw our beliefs in the face of others, we should expect them to respond.
If we are happy being vegan, gay, Hindu or whatever, no one cares. We can just get on with it quietly.
When we start making a fuss or claiming we are better or telling them they are wrong or trying to make others be like us, then we have crossed the line and are inviting retaliation.
If retaliation happens, we should not be surprised.
2017-10-30 6:21 pm
They tend to make too many false and unsubstantiated claims and tend to treat their beliefs as a religion.
2017-10-29 7:59 pm
Because they are bullies and assholez!!!
2017-11-01 1:36 am
Probably because of the undeserved smugness, blatant hypocrisy and abhorrent amount of misinformation they like to bark like crazy about.
2017-10-31 4:40 am
It's because vegans try to force veganism on us meat eaters. If someone wants to be vegetarian or vegan, as long as they shut up about it and mind their own business, I will respect their decision; even though I don't agree with it.
2017-10-29 8:03 pm
Because it goes against something they've always believed. People don't like knowing they contributed to something wrong (like we all did) and like to believe they are saints. Also, when something goes against our beliefs a lot of us tend to reject it and thus causes us to get annoyed or lash out. Many people claim to be animal lovers, but yet they pay for the sickness and harm of an animal, who
wants to be told they are wrong?

Edit-see getting voted down even though it's the truth. People don't like hearing the truth and they'd rather think "I love animals but I'm allowed to pay for their abuse"
2017-10-31 5:40 am
Want to be a vegan ?. FINE.

Want to be Vegetarian ?. FINE.

Want to be a meat eater ?. FINE.

Only don't be a prick about it.
2017-10-30 2:10 am
I respect the ones who go vegan because they don't want to buy products from places that mistreat their livestock rather than thinking it is wrong to eat animals. The ones who think it is unnatural for us to eat meat, they are the ones who I make fun of because they are clearly ignorant and stupid.
2017-10-29 8:21 pm
Quick bet with myself - I bet I get at least 8 downvotes.

IMHO its because most of the people who shout "bacon" are offended and threatened not by vegans - but by the concept. There is also a group that doesn't even care - they just want to annoy someone - like 8-year-olds they find it entertaining.

But keep in mind that the ones who shout "bacon" are few and far between. they are just loud, insulting, and offensive, so it sort of sticks in your mind. The vast majority of people don't care. And if they do care - they are polite and sensitive enough not to shout "bacon".

But getting back to the offensive ones, The concept of veganism disturbs them, perhaps on an existential level. If veganism is "good" doesn't that make them "bad"? We don't even have to call them bad, just our existence makes them look "bad" in comparison. They don't even want to look at or recognize a vegan. Veganism on some inner level scares them.

But lets not be too hard on them in particular. Most people don't even want to consider veganism for more than a minute.

It does create a dilemma for vegans tho. How much do we choose to say about veganism? Knowing that it scares and offends some, its perhaps more compassionate not to bring it up. However, we are vegans for a reason and completely shutting up is sort of traitorous. Also, every vegan became a vegan because the facts were exposed to them in some way. So we know that communication CAN be effective. After all, it worked for us.

Anyway, food for thought
2017-11-02 9:53 am
Probably because people like you post lies and try to push your beliefs on others
There is NO proof that a vegan diet is healthier
There is NO proof that a began life is better for the environment
That is all opinions and opinions should be kept to your self unless asked for
2017-10-31 9:57 pm
People don't disrespect vegans. The problem is, no one wants you shoving your ideals down their throat. So just like a ridiculous bible thumper, people shut you down because it's obnoxious to constantly be on a soap box about YOUR choices.

No one is stopping you from writing a blog about it, or teaching a class about it, but blabbing about it in every forum you can find is irritating. Let people who WANT the information COME TO YOU.
參考: Vegetarian for 10 years
2017-10-31 11:58 am
Because vegans tend to preach to non-vegans about their dietary choices. It would be no different than a meat eater approaching a vegan and telling them how their diet is so bad, and how they need to quit veganism. It's a double-edged sword, where neither person is really in the right.
2017-10-31 9:09 am
there dumb
2017-10-30 6:41 pm
as long as they don't force their food ideology on others and respect others right to eat whatever they want no one would disrespect them. not just vegans but everyone should respect others beliefs and choices.
2017-10-31 12:08 pm
Cos they are scared of them with their new ideas.
2017-11-01 10:51 am
I believe it's because it is a diet of the minority and they simply aren't used to it. I personally think veganism is a great option for those who can properly maintain the diet.
2017-10-31 12:18 am
Being vegan doesn't appear manly.
2017-11-02 8:39 pm
You have answered your own question. It is your own strong belief. And so keep it to yourself.
2017-10-31 6:26 am
Because they are so superior about it. You want to eat boring tasteless food - fine but don't tell me what I can or cannot eat.
2017-10-31 4:51 am
you hit the nail on the head. Your trying to raise "awareness" by trolling. First off I do not think you want to hear it so I am not going to tell you how scientifically wrong you are about animal welfare and meat. If you want the truth, if PETA has its way, we would have infestations of mosquitoes and outbreaks of malaria simply because peta thinks mosquitoes have rights above our own safety. What your doing is throwing your views (scientifically disproved views i might add) in peoples faces and expecting them to agree with you. They should not bully you about it, but they would stop if you would
2017-10-30 11:04 pm
They're annoying and ruin everyone's day.
2017-11-02 1:34 pm
I don't no
2017-10-31 6:29 pm
I don't know
2017-10-31 5:14 pm
don't know
2017-10-31 5:29 am
Cause they do
2017-10-29 8:09 pm
I'm cool with people doing what they want. It's their body.
But they are weak *******.

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