I was thinking of getting a German Shepherd do you think stormtrooper is a good name?

2017-10-29 2:25 pm
Yes or no

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回答 (14)

2017-11-01 4:53 pm
Only if you plan to invade a small country.
2017-10-30 4:09 am
I like Storm on its own
2017-10-29 9:09 pm
No, far too long. Okay, for registered name though. Call name could be shortened to Storm, Stormy or Trooper.
2017-10-29 7:53 pm
There are two names for all pedigreed dogs - one is their registered name the other is their call name. The call name is what you use daily, and needs to be sort of short. Stormtrooper would be a good registered name and you could use Storm or Trooper as his call name. Dogs respond best to names of one or two syllables, and the name has to be easy to say.
2017-10-29 7:39 pm
That's a terrible name and you are a failure
2017-10-29 5:20 pm
Only if you are prepared to shorten this name to "Storm" or just "Trooper" and "Troop" for short, when interacting with the dog, because saying "Stormtrooper" is way to long a word to use comfortably. Most dog names are only one or two syllables, and its also easier for the dog to get used to its name if its quite short.
My old dogs kennel name was "Fronsac Kruger" but I named him Rosco and Ross for short and sometimes Rossy.
My present dog is called Pacer but often Pace for short.
I think "Trooper" is a nice name for a German Shepherd Dog.
2017-10-29 5:10 pm
No the name is far too long::::' Eric' is much more appropriate from my point of view.
2017-10-31 6:38 am
yeh, that or Panzer tank division.
2017-10-29 4:11 pm
No. It's too long to be used as a call name. But choosing names is very individual so if that's what you want to call him, that's up to you. I guarantee you'll be shortening it to something like Stormy!!
2017-10-29 3:30 pm
Yes, but shorten it.
2017-10-29 2:55 pm
Not a long time and you'll shorten it to "Stormy", but well, do as you please.
2017-10-30 5:31 am
2017-10-29 6:11 pm
2017-10-29 2:28 pm
I like it, but it's too long for me to want to say often.

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