我想找一個方法可以找一個英文短句的英文解釋。例如: deep cracks in roads就算例句都冇問題。?

2017-10-29 2:10 pm

回答 (2)

2017-10-29 5:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
deep cracks in road (道路深裂)=eg:-Typhoon deep cracks the road in TW.
=The roads will crack if typhoon comes TW.
=TW fell out-and -in of the typhoon and cracked her roads(deep)--adv==far down in

Grammar has the largest grammar unit,consisting of phrases and clauses, used to express a statement.etc.
It is a statement by a judge(=your self) of the phrase;
the verb declares what the idea is to be
Hence add your own subject+complement in the phrase
=the phrase
=deep crack in roads
Hence verb-word(請妳留意關䭀字) as phrase will indicate what something does,what state something is in effectTW;
=what is becoming of something in TW;
2017-10-29 9:17 pm
Google Search 還是最好的搜尋工具,例如把"deep cracks in roads"(前後需括弧)打入Google Search可找到包含完全相同字之文章10篇。
Google Translate 英翻中,不算好,但還是比Word強,例如把deep cracks in roads打入Google Translate 英翻中,得到的是 - 道路深裂(不算好)。
碰到片語難懂,字典查不到,中文Yahoo也搜尋不到結果,通常上Yahoo-知識-全球Yahoo(左下)-US 用英文查詢關鍵字,百分之99可找到答案 – 當然條件是你英文需有中級層度 – 能看懂一般寫作

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