Is it okay to listen to catchier music, (country,pop,rock,rap) if you listen to extreme Death Metal?

2017-10-29 1:24 pm

回答 (10)

2017-10-29 1:35 pm
It's okay, if you like it.
2017-10-29 1:32 pm
Dude I listen to literally every genre of music. It's up to you what you like don't hide it and, enjoy it.
參考: I listen Marilyn Manson and, Ed Sheeran. Two completely different artists and, genres.
2017-10-29 1:30 pm
2017-10-29 1:25 pm
Yeah, listen to whatever you want.
2017-10-31 4:10 am
2017-10-30 1:22 am
Yes. Listen to what you want. People tell you otherwise ignore them. You choose what to listen to. Own it. Look at what some of the death metal bands listen to. Its all over the map just like you are. At least your open to other things.
2017-10-29 11:53 pm
No, you have to listen to extreme death metal and only extreme death metal or they'll kick you out of the extreme death metal club and you won't be allowed to listen to extreme death metal anymore.
2017-10-29 9:37 pm
You can listen to whatever you like, there is nothing wrong with having broad tastes.
2017-10-29 3:28 pm
Yeah but don't tell metalheads that you do or you won't be "kvlt".
2017-10-29 3:04 pm
It's ok, but most metal heads will probably accuse you of listen to mainstream, factory produceced, heart and soul-less, plastic pointless music.

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