Which situation would you rather be in:?

2017-10-29 1:14 pm
Majoring in college in taxation accounting living on campus


Majoring in CT/MRI technology in community college while living with your parents in their home

回答 (2)

2017-10-29 2:06 pm
I can't imagine anything more boring than taxation accounting. But it depends a lot on how desperate you are to get away from your parents. My daughter lived with me while in grad school and didn't seem to mind. It's only a few years- choose based on what kind of work you want to do.
2017-10-29 1:18 pm
Taxation would be terrible. I'd fall asleep in all my classes or drink battery acid out of shear boredom.

Choose a major based on what career you want. Choose your living arrangements based on your family situation and financial resources. Since random internet people do not know you or your situation, maybe just flip a coin.

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