
2017-10-29 12:16 pm
1.Hilton faced his biggest business difficulties during the Great Depression of the 1930s.
2.A lot of good rock music was created in the 1960s.
3.The Bund's big hotels look as if they were taken from 1930s New York.
請問知識大大們,上述三句都有提某個年代,為什麼前二句的年代都有加the,而第三句from 1930s New York卻沒有用the呢?謝謝。: )

回答 (2)

2017-10-30 11:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. the 1930s = the 1930's 是普通名詞的「複數形」,代表1930s = 1930~1939的十年 (三O年代)
the 1930s = the nineteen-thirties
in the seventies =在七十年代
Your grade was in the nineties.=你的分數是九十幾分。
定冠詞the用在-ties字尾的複數名詞之前 (see p.1431 the解釋: 限定用法1k《新世紀英漢辭典》)

2. 1930s New York = the New York of the 1930s =三O年代時期的紐約
前者是將名詞1930s當成「形容詞」用,修飾專有名詞New York,故無冠詞。
後者的專有名詞New York受到限定,故加上定冠詞the。
2017-10-29 5:27 pm
Some specific rules regarding definite article "the" :
1. used before numbers that refer to periods of ten years (i.e. decades)
e.g. the 60s, the 1930s, the seventies
2. not to used before most names of cities, towns, streets, stations and airports
e.g. Victoria Station is in the centre of London.

The Bund's big hotels look as if they were taken from 1930s New York.
= The Bund's big hotels look as if they were taken from New York in the 1930s. (20世紀三十年代的紐約)

原句在 taken from 之後是接 "紐約" 這城市 (三十年代的紐約),所以不需要加冠詞。

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