need help with property law......?

2017-10-27 3:33 pm
I live in Boston, Ma. Back in 2003 my neighbor built an addition to his house from a single story to 3 stories high. Not sure how they got their permit back then without my approval. A forged signature perhaps?!. Recently I tried to sell my house and I have potential buyers complaining about not enough sunlight in my house. I didn't know it would comeback and haunt me after all these years. I think it may have devalued my property. Do you think I have a case against my neighbor?

回答 (10)

2017-10-27 7:01 pm
Your neighbor did not need your permission to improve his property.
2017-10-27 5:47 pm
It doesn't need your approval for your neighbor to extend. It needs the building department's approval.
You have no case whatsoever.
2017-10-27 11:11 pm
They would never need your permission to get a building permit. If they built within code and had a permit, then nothing you can do.
2017-10-27 9:48 pm
Your neighbor did not need to have your permission to improve their property. It is not required by any city that a neighbor is required to get the approval of their neighbor to improve their property.

Your neighbor only needed to apply for and be approved for a permit from the city building and permit department. Once the permit has been issued, the construction of the renovation need to be done by a licensed contractor.

Once the construction is complete a city inspector would sign off on the project as being done according to city building codes.

Your current buyers are concerned about sunlight into the house they would potentially purchase. There would be plenty of other potential buyers where this would not be a concern at all.

The addition of your neighbor did not devalue your property.

You have no case against your neighbor for improving their house.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

2017-10-27 7:59 pm
So why in the hell would he need YOUR approval?
2017-10-27 9:34 pm
Your neighbor didn't need your approval for the addition!!! You have no grounds for any action.
2017-10-27 3:39 pm
Too late.
2017-10-31 12:56 am
There would not have been ANY forged signatures. Your permission is not required for your neighbor to
build an addition on to his house. Blocking sunlight is not a crime. You have no recourse whatsoever.
2017-10-28 5:52 pm
Generally speaking, when a property owner files for permits with the city, neighbors are notified of the plan via mail from the city with a date and time of the hearing. If you received this notice and didn't lodge a complaint at the hearing, it's likely the owners got their permits. Do you remember getting a notice?

If you didn't get a notice, it is possible your neighbor did this addition without permits. Not saying it's proof, just possible. Go down to the planning department and check to see if this addition was permitted. If it's not, you can alert planning of this unauthorized work and make a whole HEAP of problems for the neighbor — and in theory you could file a civil case against the neighbor for "damage" you incurred by their illegal work in the form of reducing the value of your home.

It all comes down to whether this work was permitted and legal or unpermitted and illegal. Only way to know for sure is to check with planning and go from there.
2017-10-28 2:43 am
Unless they actually impeded your property, they probably didn't need you to sign off at all. Blocking out light is not always an may not have any authority.

You can contact the city to see if they issued permits and cause all sorts of problems for him if it wasn't done correctly.
2017-10-28 12:06 am
if your city has building permit laws, the neighbor would have applied for his permit, if there were any problems related to any building laws you would have been notified and asked for approval, if there were none you were not notified
however, if he built this without a building permit, it is illegal and if you challenge it the addition can be demanded to be destroyed
other than that, you have suffered the consequences which might have been mitigated when you saw the construction starting and demanded to see the permit

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