How do you stop thinking about suicide?

2017-10-26 9:28 pm
My mother died in 2010 and I want to go be with her. I can't get these bad thoughts out of my head. I just feel so hopeless and I feel like no one cares. I think my child would be better off without me. I let people walk all over me and take advantage of me I never stick up for myself. I'm always made out to be the bad person, no one calls or checks on me and my daughter, I can't give her the one thing she needs (a father) I had family members stop talking to me because of lies they heard about me. No man likes me they just want sex once they get it they toss me aside. Im not close with my siblings I tried to be but that's not gonna happen. The people I thought I could trust turned on me. I feel like no one would miss me I'm tired of feeling this way. The last person I talked to about my problems told all my business so I hold everything inside. I dont think I'm a horrible person I do have flaws and things I need to work on I dont judge or do shady things. I was molested when I was younger by my brother my dad and the rest of the family knows this but act like nothing happened this really bothers me. I dont think I got over it I still think about I try not to but I do. I dont know what to do

回答 (17)

2017-10-30 9:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi there,

We’re so glad that you’re reaching out to talk about the feelings you’re having. It sounds like you’re going through a lot of emotional pain. Greif is one of the most difficult emotional journey's anyone can go through, and the loss of your mother is understandably causing you many overwhelming feelings. Thank you for having the courage to talk about these things.

Your life has so much value! If you didn’t exist, the world would be robbed of the unique gifts and qualities you have. Grief, and the depression that can arise from it, can cause us to think so badly of ourselves, that those gifts are buried under the weight of our sadness. Often, when we are going through so much pain, we lose sight of the many reasons to keep living, and want only to find a way out. The one thing your daughter needs is your love. You know the impact of a mother on her daughter, and the impact of a mother's loss. There are many other reasons to keep living, but if at this time, you struggle to see that, focus on your daughter. If you didn’t exist, you wouldn’t feel this pain, but you also would miss the many opportunities for joy and love that are possible in your future. There are other ways to stop the pain.

One of most important supports to have is someone who can really listen to you and understand the feelings you have to express. If you have people in your life that you care for and who care for you, reaching out to them and taking the same courageous step you took when you emailed us might help you find the support you need. If you don’t have that in your life, we strongly encourage you to reach out to us further to speak directly to a counselor. Often times, speaking these thoughts out loud and hearing another’s response can open up possibilities for hope.
參考: Boys Town National Hotline, 1-800-448-3000
2017-10-26 10:04 pm
Maybe it's time to consider therapy. It seems like you have some emotional issues to work on hon.

Your daughter would definitely NOT be better off without you.

I don't think you're a bad person at all, but it sounds like you might want to consider developing some personal boundaries and limits with others.

Go see your doctor for a recommendation for a therapist. Or you can visit your County mental health center if you are on low income -- they have grants for people who can't afford it.

My son was raised without his father around. I'm sure he was curious about his dad and felt out of place at times, but i remember something he said to me. We were talking about him having no dad around most of his life. He was sixteen during our conversation, and he told me this - "I can't miss something i never had".

Do it for you and your daughter.
2017-10-26 9:50 pm
We all have flaws, have all made mistakes and I’m so sorry for all the bad things that have happened to you. You seem to have a tender heart and it is crying for help. I have been such a failure in my own life. My failure were brought on by my bad choices. You may have made some bad choices in life BUT do not blame yourself for the wrong people have done to you. That was their bad choice. The only person that can Totally transform your life is Jesus Christ. He has mine. I was depressed because of my past. I opened a bible one day and immediately turned to John10:10. I closed the Bible and decided to open it again and landed again on the same scripture. It says that Jesus Christ came to give us life and life more abundantly. We were made in Gods image and He wants so much more for us. He didn’t intend to the world to be infected with sin as it is. But He in His compassion and love sent Christ to save us. Call on Christ. He Will change your life. I’m here if u need me
2017-10-26 9:38 pm
Trust me when I say that you need to seek out professional help. I've felt very similarly, and therapy really helps. Being able to get everything you're feeling off your chest to a third-party observer - a professional one, at that - truly makes your situation seem much less bleak. I realize not everyone has the means to do this, but it would be beneficial to at least do your research: find out the best therapists in the area and how much each session would cost, and see if you can budget it for it.

No one is going to help you but yourself. If you want to get better, that's the first step: recognizing that life is not the way you had planned it and desiring something better for yourself.
2017-10-29 9:50 am
Please do not commit suicide I am sure your Mother would not have wanted you to do that to yourself. Please know that you are not alone and that your daughter loves you and needs you.
2017-10-28 11:47 pm
2017-10-28 8:49 am
You are very depressed because you have no resources to express your concerns and loneliness. You must find a therapist who you can trust, you have no one else to turn to and your little girl needs a happier mom. I have a similar situation. Yes, you find out quickly who cares enough to be there for you when you are emotionally spent and need someone. Sadly, people sometimes do not want to hear about your problems...they want you if you have something they want. Those people are not your real friends. In earlier years I was exactly the same way you old are you? I am over 50. When I was a younger woman...I let men use me as a doormat, I let people borrow money from me as if I were a bank, I would cover for friends that were doing something that was wrong...No more. No man will ever take advantage of me again. I'm not cold and hard by any means, but I play by a different set of rules now. I don't let people use me or lay a trip on me about any good fortune I have had in my life either. I'm done with people like that. And how many people are still there when you have put your foot down...not that many. That's fine, I know who cares and who doesn't. I consider myself a really good friend to have and I expect loyalty and honesty in return. If I get that love from friends, I am a person you can count on for life. You betray out.
2017-10-27 4:15 pm
I do not START to do such mental gymnastic (exercise) I will stop on its own automatically..
參考: own
2017-10-26 10:16 pm
well, milady, with your kind permission, I must humbly admit your words here touched, shook and thrilled my heart and soul....
you sound to me depressed and clearly traumatised deeply and severely... enough to probably urgentlly need the professional help of a psychiatrist or psychologist thereof - in real life - due to your suicidal thoughts....with no further delay...
but beyond this...
something has to change in your life....something essential .....
your attitude, milady..yeah....
it's just about time for you to brightly and BOLDLY stand up for your human dignity and quality of life...
it's just about time for you to fully and finely understand you're one of a kind:NEVER EVER was there AHNYONE just like you , nor EVER AGAIN could there be such...
that's why I'm convinced your life and quality of life are holy enough shrines to thoroughly be protected , whatever it takes....
that's why they are to NEVER EVER be ''prone'' , '' hostages'' - at the discretion of ANYONES good or il will... NO WAY, milady!
further more - just because your closest available family - chooses/ decides - for these or other reasons- to disconnect themselves from you ....still DOESN'T make your responsibility towards your child nul or void....
you're still the accountable adult about him/ her....
so, your even trying to waste/ ruin your life over NO MATTER WHAT - sounds to me a chillingly price no one of us can pay:neither you yourself, nor your child of course ( he/she is NOT to be punished for a situation far beyond his/ her good or ill will!) ... nor even us as public and by- standers: we are to NEVER accept a '' solution'' which sounds to me - in human terms - as havoc/ devastation.... yeah, ma'am....
I beg you- from the depths of my heart and soul: refrain, repeat - REFRAIN - from ANY form f even trying to hurt yourself or take your life whatsoever...
heed the fact that such a ''try''- even a ''failed'' one can leave you both physically and further mentally disabled for good/....
you clearly deserve much better than this....
Inasmuch as you feel like hurting yourself GET NOW 6to the Emergency Room...yeah...
beyond this- and in the longer run : please, do your best to boost your self- esteem and self - confidence...
to learn / get used to love and respect yourself along with respecting others... yeah....
brightly and boldly stand upo for your human dignity and quality of life: stay busy, stay employed, heed the responsibility you have towards yopur chld...
NEVER let ANYONE walk all over you and abuse you - however.... EVER AGAIN!
Stick to life.... timely get the help you need...\
inasmuch as possible immediately let yoir Family Doctor or some social worker or so thereof ex\ctly kjnow wha\t you're going through- ask for and timely get the help you need....
and may life come your way...
may it smile to you in return....
may you find the power to brightly and boldly overcome your life's hardships- whatever they be....
may you find the power to make all your dreams come true-
the best possible, dignified way....
here-in this world....
NEVER forget... heed and act by the wise words of that Rabbi who lived some 200 years ago :'' the day you were born is the day when God decided that this world can't exist/ function without you''
may you stay forever- blessed and kept safe and proof from all harm....
參考: I am a Family Physician, living and working overseas.....good health.... [email protected]
2017-10-28 2:41 am
There is a theory that those who commit suicide will always repeat the act until the dooms day

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