What does 挖掘技犬哪家强 mean|mandarin?

2017-10-26 5:56 am

Please don't use google translate or any translator besides a real person

回答 (1)

2017-10-26 9:15 am
It’s not a term that we normally use here, it’s not a jargon word – at least here in Taiwan. So basically I didn’t understand what this jargon word is trying to say.
I just use Google Search and I still can’t find the exactly same sentence you posted, but the powerful Google Search finds the 95% similar jargon word story as follows (just copy a little bit data, because you could google it too).
今天第一次在网易上看到一故事,结尾处有一句:“只剩下学挖掘机技术了,请易友指教哪家强?“ 当时大惑不解其意,后百度搜索,也没得到答案。后来听一同事解答如下:
”学挖掘机技术哪家强“用法 如下----
(4)…和男人的生殖器相似,挖掘机技术意指男人干那事的技术,ML技术。男人问这话的意思是他性能力弱,想提高 提高 ,或者他想多历练历练;女人问这话意思是她想找猛男陪伴。
All the above explanations said by the poster, are to be your reference only, and there’s no official explanation. Because this term, basically, is not a jargon, but a twisted words of sarcasm.
I just use normal sense to explain your sentence and the ad sentence for your reference as follows.
挖掘技犬哪家强 – Which family owns the dog having the best scavenging technique.
【蓝翔洗脑广告】挖掘机技术哪家强 - 【蓝翔’s brainwashing ad】which company produces the most powerful excavator.
Among the above explanations posted on Net, one saying (4) is that it’s related to a man whose sexual function is too weak, or a woman’s desire to have a man who has strong sex ability. For me it’s just gibberish or nonsense, I don’t suggest you to believe that this is a term most of us use and understand.

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