Can a car loan company repossess my car?

2017-10-25 9:55 pm
I’m not sure but I was just thinking about it. I screwed myself royally in April when I thought I could afford a “new” car. I’m young and dumb at 23 whatever I know what I did wrong. However when I financed it I recently started a new adult job in February and I worked a part time job for about 5 years. The new job I started decided to downsize and I got laid off in May. For about a month I only worked my part time job until I found another part time retail job and I worked both all summer. I earned enough to live and make the payments. Luckily I found another adult job that I just started in September and I let go my part time job of 5 years mostly due to unnecessary stress. I kept the retail job as I felt bad for possibly screwing my boss over since I was just hired. But anyway I changed my jobs around a lot since signing the contract in April but i have early on every payment for the last 6 months. Can the finance company take my car from me because I’m “unstable”?

回答 (10)

2017-10-25 10:11 pm
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No, as long as you make your car payments they don't care about your work history or where the money comes from.
2017-10-25 11:23 pm
The bank does not want your car, they want their money. As long as you make all payments more or less on time (they really don't mind if you are late -- late fees make up a significant portion of their profits) they will not (and legally can not) repossess your car.
2017-11-02 3:02 am
yes they have a Repo team who can whisk it away anywhere - they are top notch guys.
2017-10-30 12:48 am
No, not as long as you make the payments on time.
2017-10-26 1:28 am
as long as you are making payments they have no way of knowing you are 'unstable'
that is indicated to them if you fail to make one payment, pay another, then miss another, that makes you unstable to them
2017-10-26 12:53 am
As long as you are making payments, they really don't care whether you have a job.
2017-10-26 12:22 am
No they can't no they won't. They want the money, not the car. Their business is loaning money, not selling cars.
2017-10-25 10:06 pm
As long as you are complying with the terms of the contract, they cannot take your car.
2017-10-25 9:59 pm
So long as you are honoring your end of the loan agreement you signed, they cannot take your car.
2017-10-25 9:58 pm long as you continue to make payments, they will not repossess. They do not care where the money comes from as long as they continue to get their money (it costs money to repossess a car and the lender does not always get his money back when they repossess).

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:53:39
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