Reaction between potassium iodide. and barium hydroxide?

2017-10-25 8:47 am

回答 (2)

2017-10-25 9:15 am
There is no reaction between KI and Ba(OH)₂.

Both KOH and BaI₂ are soluble in water. There is no precipitate occurs.
Although KI is a reducing agent, Ba(OH)₂ is not an oxidizing agent. There is no oxidation-reduction occurs.
Although Ba(OH)₂ is a base, KI is not an acid. There is no acid-base neutralization occurs.
2017-10-25 9:05 am
2KI + Ba(OH)2 = 2KOH + BaI2

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 17:55:38
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