Should I quit?

2017-10-25 5:30 am
I have a telemarketing job I got a few weeks ago I like the area, I like the people, but I'm not successful at it and every day I come home I dread going back to work. I have another job lined up that's not commission, but hourly pay like I wanted the whole time. Should I and how should I resign? Not only can I not pay bills, but I can't drive any of my cars because I don't have gas money to do so. I barely even have money for the bus, if that puts my low pay into perspective...

回答 (4)

2017-10-25 5:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
I worked a telemarketing job, and just like you I dreaded work. I lined up another job, got hired and the day i got hired i called in to the telemarketing job and I told the manager that I quit and I was not going to be back the next day...and to please mail my final check to my home address.

I did not give 2 weeks notice or w written resignation because I had only been there 3 months AND it was a TELEMARKETING JOB and the last thing I wanted as a 'previous reference' was a TELEMARKETING JOB.

I have never put that employment on my resume. If it comes up in an interview (it did once) I say..That 3 months was when I was desperate and working a telemarketing job. The interviewer laughed and said he'd done the same thing - most people do not put telemarketing on their resumes. it is too embarrassing.

Congratulations on getting out of there!!!
2017-10-25 5:40 am
If you can survive without a job until you can start the other one than, yes, resign, ther's nothing worse than not wanting to go to your job, especially if you're not making any money.

Just write on a piece of paper, Dear ...... I am resigning from my position as telemarketer as from ......... put what ever day you like, or if you are only casual say immediately, if they ask why. tell them you not good at it an you're not making enough money and you don't like the job.

They would fire you if they didn't want you, so if they try to talk you out of it, just say, no thanks I've made up my mind
2017-10-25 8:08 am
When you're quitting a job it's morally the right thing to give your boss 2 weeks notice and a resignation letter.
Don't feel guilty about having to leave a job that can't pay the bills, you have to do what's right for you.
2017-10-25 6:26 am
You have another job so go for it.

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