Out of control teens at school bus stop?

2017-10-25 2:49 am
We have a bus pick up area in front of our house on the corner. The kids are teens and come to hang out 45 minutes before the scheduled pick up time. The scream, through rocks, attack each other, yell and curse and fight. Today they crossed the road and blocked a disabled lady from going forward in her wheel chair on the sidewalk. I had to open my door and tell them to let the lady go. I am an older lady myself and am afraid of them. They appear to be older kids that have behavior issues and are atending a school that deals with those type of kids. I really feel that they need supervision as they are abusive, destructive and dangerous.

回答 (10)

2017-10-25 3:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Call your local police department and ask them to monitor the bus stop as often as they can. Tell them why.
2017-10-25 7:36 am
Others have suggested that you call the police, but there might be other ways to handle this. Find out the location of the nearest police station, visit in person, and talk to the "public relations" officer. Explain that you do not want to put demands on busy police who are handling serious crimes, but you wonder if an off duty officer could sit, in uniform, at the bus stop. For a few days, the officer will need to be there early, but once it becomes clear to the kids that "play time" has ended, they won't be interested in showing up 45 minutes ahead of schedule. Do something thoughtful for the officer (coffee in a paper cup, a pastry, or whatever). If the "visible police deterrent" approach won't work, you can contact the school district and complain about what's going on. Ask for someone from the school's security force to watch the bus stop near your home. Your concerns will get quicker and more effective attention if you can offer a solution along with the complaint.
2017-10-25 2:50 am
Call the police next time and let them deal with it.
2017-10-25 4:29 am
call the police and school.
2017-10-25 2:50 am
Call your local police and ask them for advice. Maybe they could have an officer drive by in the morning just to keep an eye on the teens.
2017-10-28 1:29 pm
Call the cops before it escalates to dangerous for yourself, and your neighbors. Kids left unsupervised can become a danger to themselves and others. Call the cops over and over again until the situation is corrected.
2017-10-28 6:25 am
Fight them
2017-10-28 12:56 am
Pretend to be a cop to scare them
2017-10-27 9:19 am
Call the cops, they'll handle them.
2017-10-26 12:56 pm
Call police

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