Possible brain tumour??

2017-10-23 4:39 am
Okay I'm probably being a hypercondiac, but I'm 19 and for a few months now I've been getting on and off feelings of nausea, just slightly, and on the back of my head on the left side occasional dull sharp pains that last for a few seconds. I'm just wondering what this could be, although this might be related to me leaning a lot of the left side of my body, but I'm not sure. Any ideas?

回答 (5)

2017-10-23 5:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Cancer and brain tumours are NEVER diagnosed based on vague symptoms that could relate to many things but only after appropriate testing. If concerned see a doctor for diagnosis.
2017-10-23 5:17 am
See a doctor.
2017-10-23 5:01 am
you don't have a tumor
2017-10-23 8:31 am
Every single post you make is just a cry for pity and attention. Grow up. You don't have cancer. You just have a childish need to invent drama.

BTW it's hypochondriac.
2017-10-23 5:32 am
I would first go to a chiropractor about what this is. I had missing cartilage in between 2 vertebrae of my neck, and that was pure hell for years, where I do think that a chiropractor will go to diagnose you right on and help with it all.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:46:43
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