What is the bond order of CCl4?

2017-10-22 5:41 pm
I understand that bond order is the number of shared pair electrons between atoms. I also understand how to calculate the bond order for a polyatomic or molecule with resonance structures. for example NO3- would be 4/3. But for carbon tetrachloride, I don t understand why the bond order is 1 on my professor s study guide when there are a total of 4 shared pairs of electrons....? when do I simply count the highest degree bond order? single = 1 double =2 triple =3

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2017-10-22 6:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Bond order "of a certain type of bond" is the number of shared pair electrons electron atoms.

Refer to the diagram below showing the structure of a CCl₄ molecule :
Total number of shared pairs of electrons = 4
Total number of C-Cl bonds = 4
Bond order for C-Cl bond = 4/4 = 1

One more example, refer to the diagram below showing the one of the resonance structures of NO₃⁻ ion.
Total number of shared pairs of electrons = 4
Total number of N-O bonds = 3
Bond order for N-O bond = 4/3

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