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2017-10-21 8:47 am
Is it possible that Iran and other rogue nations indicate they are working on nuclear weapons so that the US will offer incentives to cease. How much of a threat are these nations really? What tactics should the US be using to deal with any substantive threat against us.

回答 (10)

2017-10-21 8:57 am
I'm glad you asked. GW Bush talked of North Korea as if we were about to invade them any day now. Remember the Axis of Evil? He really threatened them. Then, when they displayed their new nuclear capability, Bush backed off, his rhetoric softened immediately. Under those circumstances, can you imagine why Iran wants them now?

The fact is, Iran and North Korea are sovereign nations. They have the same right to nukes as WE do. They don't want to attack us because they know they'll lose big-time. They want the weapons as a deterrent, they want them for their own safety. (ESPECIALLY Iran, who has wisely spent all their money on defenses, not offensive weapons. Actual defense is a lot cheaper!)

Trump is more interested in using problems to get attention, to set Americans against each other, than actually SOLVING problems. Plus he's obsessed with undoing Obama's legacy. He may want to pull out of Obama's agreement with Iran, then win some small insignificant concession, then re-establish the agreement so he can claim he FIXED the agreement Obama made. But he can't do any better. As for North Korea, you know Bill Clinton had an agreement with them all ready to go when GW Bush took office, two Kims ago. Bush just threw it in the wastebasket.

The Republicans seem to see a nuclear North Korea and Iran more useful as enemies, as nemesis, than to neutralize them as a threat. This allows Trump to keep shooting off his mouth with threats to our 'enemies' that get him attention. Americans have never really believed in diplomacy anyway, and especially Republicans--you can see how Rex Tillerson is constantly being undercut and defeated by Trump.
2017-10-21 8:57 am
Anything is possible. But, you'd have to consider the loose strings in a conspiracy of that size. If such a thing occurred on Obama's watch i know for a fact that he'd act because he's getting the intel from the battle groups and intel community and if he isn't acting on such information it would be a revelation.

I doubt it is occurring but it is important to recheck every possible scenario and recheck them with facts until you turn out the lights and go home. Nothing is for certain until you find something.

Dig until you find something or lose interest. But, don''t assume. need facts. need to know.
2017-10-21 8:54 am
Imagine if I told you Iran was genociding its neighbors, committing constant crimes against humanity, brutally taking land, and illegally gaining access to hundreds of nuclear weapons and they threatened anyone including Europe and the United States to use nuclear force if their existence was threatened. Then I would be lying to you, but if I told you Israel was doing all of that, then it would be true
2017-10-21 8:50 am
CIA and Mossad will do Statue of Liberty and blame it on Iran. Russia will be pissed that Iran is attacked. Russia will nuke ocean to flood America.
2017-10-21 8:48 am
america and israel are rogue terror states
2017-10-21 9:02 am
The tactic should be peace.
2017-10-21 8:52 am
That is one theory, but I believe the intel community would know if that is the case. And just because they are not telling US,does not mean they do not know.

But don't you ALSO think that any nation willing to sponsor s backPack bomb at a concert in London, Might LOVE to set of a Nuke in Paris?

The thing is, With Terrorism, The perpetrators only have to get it right ONCE! The defenders have to get it right Every Day!
2017-10-21 8:51 am
Iran didn't receive any incentives to not produce nuclear weapons. What they did get was sanctions lifted and their funds unfrozen.
2017-10-21 8:50 am
Let me say this - North Korea's biggest industry is the maintenance of their army, and it consumes 25% of their Gross Disposable Product. This results in starvation of it's civilians. That's a pretty hefty subterfuge if the intent is benefits. Iran is the world's biggest sponsor of terrorism and murder of civilians, and their goal is world domination of the Muslim religion.
2017-10-21 8:49 am
Exactly what President Trump did, threaten to blow them off the map, see how Kim backed down after Trump's threat?

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