Is God powerful enough, that he could create another god with similar powers, who thinks he's the only god and thinks no one created him?

2017-10-20 9:38 pm

回答 (12)

2017-10-20 9:53 pm
Apparently God is not even powerful enough to destroy "Satan"
2017-10-20 9:44 pm
Yes. And that god again could be all powerful and do the same thing.
2017-10-20 9:51 pm
God is powerful enough to do all things, including to remove your useless commas.
2017-10-20 10:32 pm
no god can not do that
2017-10-20 9:57 pm
Ah yes, another in the line of "Could an all powerful God do this?"

Here we are, the creations of an "all powerful" God, speculating on the limits of said God. Good luck with that.
2017-10-20 9:44 pm
I guess He is capable of that. But He would never do that, as it would go against His own nature or character. It would be against His own will. He cannot or would not defy Himself.
Our God is a God of relationships, He understands perfectly human relationships. That could never be so, if He were in the singular only. And far away and aloof from mankind. Thank God, He came to us, as one of us, in the man Christ Jesus. To die taking the punishment for our sins, only to rise again from the dead, as He said He would. He rose, thereby proving His power over death and hell for all who would believe. He knows us better than we know our selves.
And when we put our faith and trust in Him, we become one in Him and He in us. Just as He is one in the Father God. But the doesn't mean we become God, only that we as the whole church become like a bride of Christ.;NKJV
2017-10-20 9:44 pm
God created beings with independent thought (Lucifer), so theoretically, he could.
2017-10-20 11:20 pm
What you are suggesting is illogical.

One of God's most basic attributes is that God exists out of necessity, not cause.
God is the Creator, the First Cause of all other existence.
A created entity cannot be God.
2017-10-20 10:41 pm
Ah, you're talking about the Atheists, aren't you?
2017-10-20 10:12 pm
God is so powerful that he doesn't even have to exist to save us. Ha, ha

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