
2017-10-20 3:37 pm
Although Shanghai is a city of business , it is also becoming a favorite place to visit on vacation. People the world over are traveling to the city that has an exciting history as well as a bright future.
請問知識大大們,此句為什麼會使用is becoming及is traveling,而不是is to become或直接用become、is traveling用travel呢?謝謝。: )

回答 (2)

2017-10-21 2:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
動詞按照意義可分為「狀態」(state verb)和「動作」(action verb)兩種,原則上表示事物狀態或構成的動詞不使用「進行式」(be + v-ing),除非是「一時的狀態」,如:
A: Be serious!
B: I "am being" serious.

You "are being" too kind to him, aren't you?

She "is singing" now.=她現在正在唱歌。
What is she doing?=她現在做什麼事?
He "is coming" to see us this evening.=他今晚要來看我們。(= will come)
(go, come, start, leave等動詞與表示未來的時間副詞並用時,可用「現在式」或「現在進行式」代替「簡單未來式」)

The sun "rises" in the east.=日出於東。
He "teaches" English.=他教英語。
Columbus "discovered" America in 1492.(時間點重要,用「過去簡單式」)
I "have opened" the window.(結果比發生的時間點重要時,用「現在完成式」,表示結果迄今有效)
I "was writing" a letter when he came in.(過去正在進行中的動作;用「過去進行式」)
He "was going" out when I arrived.(過去的計畫或當時即將發生的行為)

Although Shanghai "is" a city of business, it "is also becoming" a favorite place to visit on vacation. People the world over "are traveling" to the city that "has" an exciting history as well as a bright future.
此句為什麼會使用is becoming及is traveling,而不是is to become或直接用become、is traveling用travel呢?

is becoming/is traveling是action verb的「現在進行式」,表示正在發生當中。
如果寫成is to become/is to travel則成了「未來式相等語」,表示將來、意向、義務、預定計畫等(請參見柯旗化《新英文法》p.257 be+不定詞)
She is to be here by ten o'clock. (= will be)
They are to meet at the station. (= will meet)

become(變成)在語意上不會用「現在簡單式」,因為屬於acton verb,應該是用「完成式」表示結果重要(已變成),或「進行式」表示過程重要(正在變成的當中),或「過去簡單式」表示發生的時間點重要(在那時發生的)。

travel(旅行)也是action verb。也屬類似的狀況。

兩句的主要子句的action verb都用了「現在進行式」,在邏輯上是一致的,表示兩者都是「正在發生的」行為:

寫成Although Shanghai "is" a city of business, it "has also become" a favorite place to visit on vacation.用現在完成式has become在文法及邏輯上也是正確的,但強調的是已經有了這個結果,而不是正在發生變化當中。

第二句如果要用has travelled,則句子裡需要給個「人數」,語意邏輯才合理。

2017-10-20 10:53 pm
Although Shanghai is a city of business, it is also becoming (上海成為假期旅遊勝地-這個狀態是持續進行中-用現在進行式幾乎是唯一選項。如改成is to become則is 和become中間有時間差,意思變為上海未來將會成為旅遊勝地 – 意思差很大!
例句如: How hard is to become a female police officer? 要成為一個女性警官有多困難? Is: 現在, to become a …,中間至少隔了3~4年訓練養成期。
另如妳有看到it’s (also) become(become過去分詞與現在式同),那是現在完成式,也不適用於本意- 好像上海的發展到此為止 – 不再持續前進了。
a favorite place to visit on vacation. People the world over are traveling (people 本身就是複數,加了s的peoples則代表不同種族/地區/國家的人,所以這裡用複數動詞:are) to the city that has an exciting history as well as a bright future.
至於 are traveling 改成 travel 本句文法沒什不合! 但意義改變了,好像上海向來就是個旅遊勝地. 跟前句的意思描述(現在進行式)脫節,還是不好。
Why do people travel to Sweden? – 為何大家喜歡去瑞典 - 用現在式的情形是 – 這好像是個一直存在的事實,這與本段前句帶出的訊息是不同啊!

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