PLEASE HELP!! need lenses for eye glasses?

2017-10-20 8:11 am
Hi, where can i get lenses for my glasses if i take my glasses to the place. Preferably cheap (less than 20), is there any websites that I can do this that is not sketchy. BTW prescription lenses is what i need for my glasses.

回答 (3)

2017-10-20 8:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sorry , you won't find a real brick and mortar place that can replace your lenses for less than $20

If you are that cheap , then do like " Be an Angel" suggests and order complete glasses from for under $20
2017-10-20 10:17 am
If you mean $20 in American money, you won't get one lens, let alone two.
2017-10-20 8:12 am
look u "$6 glasses zenni" you might find a new pair of glasses that is less than $20. I got some for $37

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