I'm extremely worried. Please help?!?

2017-10-20 1:09 am
For me, it's Thursday evening right now. On Sunday, just gone, me and my boyfriend did some sexual things. We didn't have sex and I or he has never had sex. Long story short, he ejaculated in my mouth. Later on I took saliva from my mouth to touch myself. I wasn't thinking at the time but my saliva could still have contained his sperm. This past week I have been feeling very ill and sick. My throat is hurting a lot and I can't speak properly. Every day I have felt sick. My stomach feels quite tight and bloated and just doesn't feel right. I am so so worried that I am pregnant. Is there any possible chance that this could happen if it wasn't inserted directly into my vagina? I'm taking every sign as a symptom. I know I shouldn't but I can't help it. I'm overthinking hugely and I don't know what to do. Since I am underage if I do go to the doctors about this they will have to tell my mum and she will kill me. I am thinking of visiting the doctors and explaining the symptoms I have but not mentioning pregnancy whatsoever. Does anyone have any advice?

回答 (5)

2017-10-20 2:58 am
Are you seriously that dumb
2017-10-20 2:48 am
Do you know what saliva does? It starts breaking things down for digestion. Sperm cannot survive in it.

You'd have to be pretty stupid to worry about getting pregnant from that. I don't care how young and ignorant you are. It it were possible to get pregnant from your own saliva, DON'T YOU THINK it would have happened millions of times already?
2017-10-20 1:15 am
You are not pregnant.
Nothing you did can get you pregnant.
None of your symptoms suggest pregnancy.
You don't have pregnancy symptoms within days of having sex -- even if you had had sex.

You don't need to see your doctor, but perhaps psychological counseling would be wise to help you deal with your anxiety and phobia.

(And no, doctors don't have to tell your mother private things, even if you are underage. But if you are THAT young, you shouldn't be doing sexual things anyway with a partner.)
2017-10-20 1:12 am
first you dont have pregnancy symptoms with in 24 hours, second the odds of sperm in your saliva getting you pregnant is pretty nonexistent, and if his penis was even in the edge of your vagina, yes that could possibly make you pregnant. Your symptoms could be anxiety or a virus-who knows. But you need to educate yourself on safe sex and practice it, and you can also buy yourself a preg test and take it.
2017-10-21 6:28 am
You CAN'T possibly have gotten pregnant. He "came" in your month. You're either going to immedately spit it out, or you're going to swallow. If you swallow, the semen is going to go straight down your throat & into your digestive tract, just like any other liquid you swallow. Your digestive tract is not connected to your reproductive organs.

You can't "sweep" semen out of your mouth with your finger, and then transfer it into your vagina and impregnate yourself. It's impossible.

You are NOT having any sort of pregnancy "symptoms", and what you describe are not pregnancy symptoms at all! You had sex on Sunday. Today is Thursday. That's only 4 days! If (by some unexplained miracle) you conceived on Sunday, you wouldn't even BE pregnant yet. It's going to take at least 10 days after an egg is fertilized before it implants into the lining of the uterus and establishes a pregnancy. Until (and unless) that happens, a woman isn't pregnant.

Stop worrying - you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:45:36
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