What Jobs Hire At 15 Years Old?

2017-10-19 4:54 am
I am trying to save up money for a dirt bike, but money has to come from somewhere. I get $40.00 a month from another family member, my parents make more than enough money, they just hate spending a lot of money in one big payment. Plus I go to a private school so they won't give me money every month. The dirt bike I want costs $3,400.00.

回答 (6)

2017-10-20 4:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I used to work at a non international grocery store, there was only like 3 in the u.s. They hired cart pushers and grocery baggers at age 14-16.

One thing that happened to me was i did an application for Walmart when i was 15, i saw on the Internet some said you had to be 16 some said 15 so i just put an application out just in case. They called me back, went to an interview, went to a second and third interview, got hired, went through orientation, AND THEN THEY TELL ME I HAVE TO BE 16. So i would definitely ask age regrictions just in case for everything because i wasted about a week there and almost declined another job offer because they didn't see my age.

Also, fast food restaurants usually hire, such as mcdonalds, kfc, pizza places.

You can also (sorry i know you dread this just like i used to) try newspaper routes or if you want to babysit/petsit put up flyers. You can ask relatives and family if they have any extra chores for money. I used to take this advice for granted.
2017-10-19 4:19 pm
I think u can apply waiter in fast-food restaurants such as McDonald's , KFC, Burger king, Starbucks, America Delight Chicken...

Or u can shoot video and post it to YouTube, it's one way to earn fast $$!!!
2017-10-20 4:18 pm
Bus boy
2017-10-19 9:37 am
That depends where you live.
In some provinces in Canada, you can start work at 14 if you can find someone to hire you (usually food service related) but laws vary by province and state.
2017-10-19 5:02 am
Very few. Due to federal child labor laws, your hours would be very limited until you're 16. Some fast food places, grocery stores, and other places, hire at 15. You have to ask each place.
2017-10-19 7:16 am
None. Most states require you to be at least 16 in order to even get a part time job.

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