Is it better to clean your face with warm or cold water?

2017-10-17 11:40 pm
I heard that you should clean it with cold water and tap your face dry but I don't know if it's true.

回答 (5)

2017-10-18 1:10 am
Seriously think you are over thinking this!
2017-10-18 4:35 am
Tepid water.

Never wash with steaming hot water. For the best results, wash your face one a day, at night, using lukewarm or warm, not hot, water. Hot water might dry your skin too much. After cleansing, use cool water as a final rinse and pat gently with a clean towel. Follow up with toner, moisturizer or night cream shortly after drying your face to lock in moisture
2017-10-18 2:46 am
Over the years I have done both. I am over 80 years of age and my skin is still on my face so I don't think it matters.
2017-10-17 11:45 pm
Clean my face with warm water?
2017-10-17 11:48 pm
Always cold water 💦 🙂

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