Which has the more exothermic electron affinity, the oxygen atom or O-? Explain why.?

2017-10-17 10:38 pm

回答 (1)

2017-10-17 10:46 pm
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O(g) + e⁻ → O⁻(g) …… ΔH = electron affinity of O atom
O⁻(g) + e⁻ → O²⁻(g) …… ΔH = electron affinity of O⁻ ion

The O atom has more exothermic electron affinity. This is because the negatively-charged O⁻ ion exerts a higher repulsive force to the negatively-charged incoming electrons causing an endothermic effect.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 17:54:34
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