Does this guy like me?

2017-10-17 1:35 am
Ive been fooling around with this guy for a while now but the other night he did something new. I was on top of him and he me directly in the eyes ( he always makes eye contact when we fool around) he took my face with both hands. He kept doing that through out the entire time and he also kissed my knuckles at one point as well. He said he doesn't have any feelings towards me romatically but whenever we talk about other people he gets super uncomfortable. Like he'll mention an actress who he thinks is gorgeous and I'll say oh that actor or so and so is gorgeous and he says" oh come on" . He'll get very quiet if I mention other guys in the past ( he menations other girls other wise I wouldn't say anything). When I told him I was looking for a male roommate ( I don't get along with girls well) he got quiet and goes "why don't you ask one of your girlfriends to be your roomate"? Eventually he warmed up to the idea but I could tell he still wasn't entirely pleased with me living with another guy. If I ask him how he feels he says he only sees me as a trhe friend but I feel like he's not being honest. What do you think?

回答 (4)

2017-10-17 1:41 am
You stated you "fool around" with him... for how long have you been hooking up with this guy?

Are you two in a committed, full blown relationship? If not, don't expect him to move in with you - really, you shouldn't expect really ANYTHING from him.

Do not think because a guy is getting intimately physical with you, that he truly, genuinely cares for you. He can be having sex with you, but not see you as a future prospect.

I would pull the reins with the whole "hooking up" with this guy.... unless he gives you more respect and commits to you, instead of just screwing you, otherwise, why waste anymore time with him? I don't know him at all of course, but if he isn't committed to you and ONLY you, he's just using you to fool around with in bed.

Even those IN relationships give it time before they move in together, and you two sound as though you both aren't even IN a relationship.
2017-10-17 1:37 am
I think if he is less than honest with you, he has to expect to lose you!

Oh and 'yes' he adores you, he is just being a macho idiot!
2017-10-17 2:02 am
I think you need to give him time.

It's not a great idea to base a relationship on sex to be honest. So if you want, maybe spend some neutral time with him. Ask him to go hiking or out to lunch or some activity that doesn't include sex so he can get to know you better as a person.

And i wouldn't talk about other guys.. i don't care what he talks about. Guys DO get insecure about things, just like we do, and guys are also truly emotional. Most just hide it well. And you did say he seems jealous and it's probably because he is. Keep the focus on him. Let him know in your own ways you appreciate and respect him. Because this is the main things men crave from a woman.
2017-10-17 1:40 am
Ask him to be honest with you, he seems to feel something for you. If you also feel something for him, you should talk it out.

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